or "how do we operate, how are things done around here?"

核心價值並非信仰宣言,不是教會當做的(使命)事工,不是面前期望到達的(異象)目標,也不是事工運作的(健康)質素,卻是潛藏的群體本質,一些我們覺得有需要熱切地持守, 也基於聖經的信念,可幫助我們釐定事物的優先次序,影響我們的抉擇,驅動我們事工,也表現於我們的為人處事。


群體歸屬感 Belonging
    Izzo strangly values people, community and fellowship.
    Stating these values this way provided Izzo with more direction and is easier to measure.
個人連於主 A Personal Connection with Jesus
    Izzo strongly values scripture & Bible reading and also values prayer.
    Stating these values this way provided Izzo with more direction, is easier to measure and puts them in the context of our mission statement.
個人使命感 Personal Ministry
    Izzo strongly values everyone getting involved in ministry. Scripture strongly values this. To fill the Gap we will need to develop this value.
    Ministry involvement almost always leads people to connect with Jesus as they cannot do it alone.
有應用教導 Practically Teaching
    Izzo strongly values preaching, teaching & scripture. Jesus notes that scripture is only useful when it is put into practice.
    Stating these values this way provides Izzo with more direction and it easier to measure.
融和於社會 Incarnation (Transform ourselves)
    Acts 15:19 "... we should not make it difficult for (those) are turning to God." 「...不可難為那歸服神的外邦人。」
    Izzo values its church culture. Izzo somewhat values outreach. Our church culture is completely foreign to Newcastle.
    To reach out we need to make it easy for those we want to reach. We need to develop this value.
開心喜樂感 Fun
    Izzo strongly values people, community, and fellowship. You don't have to be serious about God.
    Most people outside the church see the church as judgmental, irrelevant and boring.
    Too many people within the church have experienced the church as judgmental, irrelevant and boring.
    Fun, joy, 'life to the full' is the most effective means to break down that perception/experience. We need to develop this value.



清心 – Obedience heart (A Personal Connection with Jesus)
    願意向神順服的心 follow the will from God.
慷慨 – Generous hands (Biblial Practice)
    願意分享給人的手 give and share to the need.
   要在行為上相稱 (信行合一)
外展 – Gospel feet (Personal friendship ministry)
   要在什麼人中作什麼人 Incarnation (Transform ourself)

合一 – All for one in Christ (Belonging)
    意念相同的事奉 (需要有家觀念)

我們的核心價值便是異象的骨架,所有活動的基礎和準則,支撐起教會整體的發展。我們若不去維護這些價值, 則無法去完成我們的使命、實現我們的異象。


