

1886 Islington Baptist Church

    在紐卡素殿幕浸信教會 (Newcastle Baptist Tabernacle)從前稱為紐卡素浸信會(the former name is Newcastle Baptist Church)的網頁這樣記載:「殿幕教會的會員,回應浸信會事工對日溢廣展的紐卡素,期間出現了三個宣教的使命,1865在Wallsend, 1886在Islington(開展了主日學兩年,1888自立為教會), 1888在Merewether(1904開始主日學,1910開始有崇拜),她們都成長為強壯的教會,直到今日。」


  早在1880年開始,有一個家庭是紐卡素浸信教會的會員,就在Tighes Hill居住的周圍向鄰舍傳講耶穌,又在紐卡素浸信教會的支持下在家開展主日學,五年內增長的人數到足以成立教會的基礎。紐卡素浸信會於1886年5月差派 Mr. A. Gardiner 來 Islington suburb 推動教會成立。加在紐卡素浸信教會上任不久的 Rev. Seth Jones,再兼顧 Islington 新教會的事務。1886年6月6日開始第一次主日崇拜。6月10日在風雨下,有300人舉行了慶祝會。

No church building can be found at that moment

Islington Suburb in 1890



教會再不斷成為母堂(分別殖堂於 Mayfield, New Lambton and at Cardiff, Sandgate and Cardiff South,)在這地區,我們承接福音的使命,服侍依斯靈頓(Islington suburb)這周邊地區和更遠海外的人。
(由Warren Eltis《ISLINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH CENTENARY 1886-1986》撰文) read more

In 1880 a family who were members of the Newcastle Baptist Church had a deep desire to tell boys and girls in the suburb where they lived (Tighes Hill) about Jesus, and so, with the blessing of the Newcastle Church, a Sunday School was commenced in their home. After 5 years the Sunday school grew over and it became evident that a church should be formed.

In May 1886, a meeting was held at the Baptist Church, Sydney Street, Newcastle, to take steps to erect a building in the fast growing new suburb of Islington, so that some of its members might more conveniently worship at a local church, and also to house a Sunday school which had been in operation at Tighes Hill for some time.

Mr. A. Gardiner was appointed to superintend the erection of the church on behalf of the Newcastle church, and for Rev. Seth Jones, who had only been in Newcastle eleven months and, in the short period, had taken preliminary steps to erect the present Newcastle Tabernacle, in addition to the abovementioned church at Islington.

The Building at Islington was first erected on the western portion fronting Chinchen Street of land 66ft by 132ft. situated on the corner of Coal and Chinchen Streets, which cost 364 of which 200 was raised while the building was in course of construction. It was thought that a manse could be erected on the land.

The Church was opened for worship on 6 June 1886, the morning service being conducted by Rev. J.H. Pryce, his subject being ‘God is a Spirit.’ Rev. Seth Jones was in charge of the afternoon and evening services, the texts being taken from Genesis 20 and Mark 4:26-29 respectively. The official opening celebrations took place on Thursday, 10th June, 1886, amidst torrential rain and wind, but over 300 sat down to tea.

The Church was decided to join the Baptist Union in June 1888. The old building in Chinchen Street was used in that locality until 1902. It is disclosed that after several abortive attempts to secure land adjoining the old site in Chinchen Street, the land upon which the present buildings stand was purchased in 1901 from Mr. Page for 350.

The old building was removed to the present site in 1902, and was used after the erection of the new church and until quite recently as the school hall in 1908. During the ministry of the late Rev. H. Halmarick, the front of the building was altered by addition of several Class rooms and certain other improvements were carried out. The old gas lighting facilities were abandoned in 1918, electric light being installed in the building.

In 1918 the erection of the new church began to be seriously considered. The foundation stones were laid on 21st February, 1920 by Rev. TR Coleman and Rev W. Cleugh Black, President of the NSW Baptist Union, and the church was officially opened for worship on 28th August. The new church is of brick with tile roof, 36ft by 70ft, with seating accommodation for 400.

To make more adequate provision for the care of the very young of the School, the Church decided in December 1920, to erect a kindergarten hall at a cost of 250. This building was opened on 17th February, 1921

So the Church grew. Not only did it grow in this one place, but like its “Mother Church” – it became a “mother church” and planted other Churches – Mayfield, New Lambton and at Cardiff, Sandgate and Cardiff South. Many of our folk surrender their lives in service to God as minsters, and missionaries in our country and overseas.

Extract from Warren Eltis《ISLINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH CENTENARY 1886-1986》   

see less



1888 - 1918



the church in 1920



the church around 1930



the church in 1936 ( 50yrs after established. )



the church in 1940



the church in 1961



the church in 1986 ( 100yrs after established. )那時教會仍未有華人出現。



    1989 開始,從香港移民的華人梁氏伉儷加入本會,看見紐卡素地區的華人,有福音及牧養的需要。
    1990 在家中舉行主日聖經班,完畢後一起參加本教會的英文崇拜。也是教會中文事工部的初形。
    1991 參加的人多了,得教會同意,聖經班在教會舉行。人數亦持續地增加。
    1994 三月"澳洲中國信徒佈道會"協助及鼓勵下,開始成立粵語崇拜。當時是紐卡素地區唯一有中文崇拜的教會。
    2008 中文堂的十五周年


    2011 百二十五周年,也是中文堂的十七周年

the church in 2011 (125yrs annv.)





多年來,我們都保持有粵語及華語的查經班。有些時候大學生查經小組也甚為興旺。願神賜福我們,使我們在這地繼續為主發光。感謝主,據聞在2017年 Rutherford Suburb 亦開始每月一次的華語崇拜。



