信仰告白 Statements of Faith




  1. 聖經是神聖的默示,原文是無謬誤,也是信仰與生活的最高準則。

  2. 獨一的真神,祂是永恆、無限、全能、全知、聖潔和愛。
  3. 神是萬有的創造者與維持者。
  4. 神雖然是一位,但以三個位格存在,就是聖父、聖子(耶穌基督)和聖靈。


  5. 每一個人因為自己的罪都與神分隔,所以,人類受上帝的憤怒和譴責,都處於靈性上的死亡。
  6. 神以祂的愛,使聖子道成肉身,只有通過耶穌基督作為我們的代表和替代,犧牲死亡從罪裏的刑罰、罪的權勢提出救贖。


  7. 耶穌基督由聖靈感孕,從童貞女瑪利亞所生,成為完全的人,也是完全的人。
  8. 耶穌雖無罪,卻為我們的罪被釘在十架上。
  9. 耶穌(肉身)從死裏復活,升回天去,將來必從榮耀中再回到世界。
  10. 到那時,耶穌必審判全人類(包括死人活人),並實現神國的統治,信徒將必得救,不信的必將被永刑譴責。


  11. 人若在他的罪中回轉,投入在相信耶穌就必得救。耶穌承擔起所有人的過犯,祂死在十架替代我們償還罪債,祂從死還復活,賜人享有永生。神待相信的人如子女,恢復與祂自己的關係。
  12. 聖靈促使人的悔改他們的罪,也使他們對耶穌有信心,令他們在神裏重生、如神的兒女帶到永生。
  13. 聖靈住在每一位信徒心中,又勸慰的工作。


  14. 撒旦是神與人類的仇敵,它蒙騙不信者的眼,阻止他們獲得救恩,又經常與信徒爭戰,誘惑和折磨他們,希望能夠摧毀他們的信仰。
  15. 儘管撒但在世界上持續的破壞性活動,他已經被耶穌基督的死亡和復活所擊敗了。當耶穌帶領神的國度完成時,撒旦將被扔進地獄,永遠折磨。


  16. 信徒集合在一起成了群體,並且以普世性和地方性的群體形態存在。
  17. 教會的作用是榮耀上帝,向世界證明耶穌基督,並成為信徒在信仰中建立的地方;
  18. 沒有信徒在任何意義上更接近上帝。相反,每個信徒皆祭司,通過信靠耶穌基督直接接觸上帝。
  19. 每個信徒在當地的教會裡,都得到了聖靈的禮物,在教會和世界裡得到使用,必須按照神所接受的恩典來度過那些禮物。
  20. 本教會必須遵守主的晚餐的條例。
  21. 本教會都必須遵守信徒洗禮的浸禮條例。
  22. 本教會持有 the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT Assembly 在 2004 制定「人的性向」宣稱:

Statements of Faith - IBC(信仰告白 - 英文版)

We are a conservative evangelical church i.e. the Bible is the authoritative word of God to us for our lives now. Our teaching is predominantly through systematic expository preaching i.e. we work through books of the Bible attempting to understand how their message is relevant to us today. We do not change the Bible’s message or try to make it more comfortable’ to 21st century ears.

We believe

    The Bible

  1. The Holy Scriptures are divinely inspired, infallible as originally given and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice. The current original language manuscripts of the Bible have been subject to rigorous scholarship and scrutiny so we have every confidence in accepting them as a soundly reliable basis for our modern translations


  2. There is only one true living God, who is eternal and infinite in power, knowledge, holiness and love.
  3. God is the creator and sustainer of all things.
  4. God, though one, exists in three Persons -- God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit.

    Men and women before God

  5. Every person in his or her natural state is separated from God by his or her sin. Consequently, every person in his or her natural state is spiritually dead and subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.
  6. God, in His great love, has provided redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial death (as our representative and substitute) of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God.

    Jesus Christ

  7. Jesus Christ (eternally existing as God the Son) was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary and was both fully man and fully God.
  8. Jesus, though sinless Himself, was crucified for our sins.
  9. Jesus rose bodily from the dead, has ascended into heaven and will one day return to earth in glory.
  10. Jesus will judge all people (both living and dead) and bring God’s kingdom to completion. Believers will fully realise their salvation, but unbelievers will be condemned to eternal punishment.


  11. A person who repents of his or her sins and puts his or her faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord is saved. Jesus takes all that person’s sins, pays the penalty due for those sins by His death on the cross and gives that person eternal life by His resurrection from the dead. In Jesus, God makes that person His child and reconciles him or her to fellowship with Him.

    The Holy Spirit

  12. It is the Holy Spirit who causes a person to repent of his or her sins, put his or her faith in Jesus, be born again as God’s child and be brought to spiritual life.
  13. The Holy Spirit dwells and works within every believer.


  14. Satan is the chief antagonist of God and mankind. He blinds the minds of unbelievers to stop them obtaining salvation and is constantly at war with believers, tempting and otherwise afflicting them in the hope of destroying their faith.
  15. Despite Satan’s ongoing destructive activity in the world, he has already been defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When Jesus brings God’s kingdom to completion, Satan will be thrown into hell and tormented forever.

    The Church

  16. Believers together form God’s church, which exists both universally and locally in each separate community of believers.
  17. The church's role is to glorify God, testify to the world about Jesus Christ and be the place where believers are built up in their faith;
  18. No believer is in any sense closer to God because of his or her official position in the church. Instead, every believer is a priest and has direct access to God through faith in Jesus Christ.
  19. Every believer in a local church has received gifts from the Holy Spirit for use within the church and the world and must use those gifts according to the measure of grace he or she has received from God.
  20. This church shall regularly observe the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.
  21. This church shall observe the ordinance of the baptism of believers by immersion.
  22. This Church also holds to the statement on human sexuality made by the Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT Assembly in 2004.
      “God created people male and female and together they were created in the image of God.
      Men and women were created equal to, But different from, one another.
      Marriage is a covenant relationship ordained by God between two people of the opposite sex.
      Sexual activity outside marriage between a man and woman is immoral and counter to God’s intention for us as people.”


1. 聖經:
2. 真神:
    獨一永存的真神,即 (聖父,聖子與聖靈)。
3. 救贖:
4. 教會:
5. 婚姻:



從第2至22項的 (或者簡化後的2-5項) 基要信仰,皆建立在第一項的基礎上,「聖經」就是我個唯一的信仰根基。

