Chinese Pastor
陳偉生傳道於1991年在香港建道神學院畢業,隨即留在學院作行政事務2年。蒙神帶領於1993年往香港的博愛潮語浸信會,他在東頭分堂任傳道負責 植堂並兼任自修室主任。
神帶領及幫助之下,他與六位同心的拓荒者開始,20年間這教會曾經有約400位新來賓,留下相信耶穌及受栽培的有超過100人,現在積極參與事奉更達 80人。期間有二位弟兄蒙主呼召作了傳道牧者,又有一位姊妹被差往中國作了宣教士。在他離任時已經有十個小組及兩堂崇拜。
2014年春他知道神給他新的任命,神帶領他離開時仍未知道要往何處去?當他來悉尼探望雙親,並且參與紐卡素周邊的短期宣教,同年10月中參加我們的 中文崇拜又到過我們的查經小組,看見我們的需要。尋求神的帶領下,他於2015年8月來到澳洲紐卡素事奉,成為本會中文事工牧者。
Pastor Wilson
Pastor Wilson Chan graduated in Alliance Bible Seminary Hong Kong 1991, He stayed in the Seminary for administrate work for 2 years. God lead him to serve in Brotherly Love Swatow Baptist Church, Hong Kong 1993. And he started to plant a new church called Tung Tau Chapel and was running a student self-study room at the same place.
By the grace of God, he worked with 6 pioneers together. The churchhad over 400 newcomers and over 100 people stayed for growing during 20 years. 80 and more are active to serve now. There were 2 brothers calling to be as pastors in the church, one sister was send to China as gospel minister in time. The church had 10 bible-study groups and 2 Sunday Services when he left.
He knew a new mission by God on spring 2014, but he did not know where to go. He joined the gospel outreach around in Newcastle as he visited his parents in Sydney. In October last year, he met our Chinese Sunday Service and also join the Chinese bible-studies several times. Seeing the need of a pastor in Chinese ministry and he prayed for God’s guidance. He comes to us on August 2015.
Pastor Wilson served Islingtion Baptist Church from 8 Aug 2015 to 23 Jan 2020, He has been deeply loved by the congregation after serving in our church for four and a half years. However, because the visa has passed the limit of four years, he cannot be renewed, and everyone not willing him to leave.